Thanks for this, Zulie. Hopefully it is the start of a reversal of the major hustle culture that is making medium seem a bit soulless lately.
I write here because I love not having to bypass gatekeepers. If I could have a column in the Guardian that would be wonderful, but journalism is so tough to get into. And I went to a local comprehensive school and an arts university. I’m a good writer but I haven’t the credentials or contacts to make it in mainstream journalism. Or skills right now because I haven’t formally trained!
I am much more qualified to write fiction, but it’s also pretty tough getting paid there!
I love writing here, because I love writing and being read. To the point that it’s more a compulsion, tbh. And I think you’re right it has to be like that to get anywhere. Which is messed up.
You’re right tho, family (found or blood) and friends are what’s really important. I try to set aside my writing to enjoy them but my compulsion is strong!
Thanks for being truthful tho it is risky regarding your side hustles! Life isn’t straightforward and it’s refreshing to see someone with a large following talk to the complexities.