I really love this idea! My brain only works properly when I am somewhere peaceful, writing. Thus I absolutely adore writing and peaceful places. Waking early, somewhere beautiful and sitting by myself with coffee, a notebook and a pen is basically heaven, because my brain works and I feel very free.
All my life I've been on the backfoot because of so rarely getting the right conditions in which my brain actually works. And it has gotten me into untold trouble...
Your description here helps me to feel better about my brain. And more determined to create more often the conditions in which it can thrive.
I was diagnosed late last year (at 37!) and have started writing about my experience, because I'm learning so much. I have a very different style than this piece, and include lots of dodgy drawings. It's a much more personal perspective from inside the mind of an autist.
Thanks for writing this. It is incredible. <3