Hi Naëmi,
Thanks for sharing this. I started a blog on Jan 1st this year after 6 months of being unable to decide whether to hit post or not. It’s all about my struggle to let go of alcohol, and also about drinking culture in the UK, so I often feel very vulnerable/like a killjoy posting my stories there. Still, I feel compelled to be part of that conversation and love it so am really glad I took the plunge, in the end.
There is so much to learn though. I have almost no idea what I’m doing. I still haven’t managed to make my logo high res which is probably real easy, but I’m gradually improving it. I love it a lot and have big dreams of including more of my drawings and stuff there too.
Like you say, it’s just great to create something. To have tot ownershio and no gatekeepers. Sometimes, though, this same thing makes me feel very isolated and nervy. Like, what if this is just a load of s***?
The main purpose was to help me get over perfectionism and just put stuff out into the world rather than agonising over word docs in my mac that no one ever sees. Then I found medium too, which is helping even more with that.
So, yes, thanks for sharing. And good luck with your blog! I will check it out.